Tuesday 18 October 2011 : List the Usage of ICT in Everyday Life.

1. Usage of ICT in Education 
  • Teachers use ICT as teaching aids and source of references.
  • Students use ICT to search for information and complete their school works. 
  • School administrators use ICT to do clerical works and manage records of teachers and students.
  • Researchers use ICT to collect and process data. 

2. Usage of ICT in Banking 
  • Customers use ICT to make any transactions at anytime they want using online banking, telebanking, mobile banking, Auto Teller Machine, Cash Deposit Machine, Cheque Deposit Machine. 
  • Bank administrators use ICT to oversee the entire banking activities and management of the bank such as the reconciliation, inter branch transaction and telegraphic transfer. 
3. Usage of ICT in Industry 
  • Workers use ICT to increase production by using computerised machines in their operation. 
  • Researchers use ICT to collect and analyse data to improve production and marketing strategy. 
  • Administrator use ICT to oversee the entire operation in the factory such as managing payroll, accounting records, inventory and marketing. 
4. Usage of ICT in Commerce 
  • Customers use ICT to buy products from online vendors.
  • Suppliers use ICT to keep track of transaction, determine prices and manage inventory. 
  • Employees use ICT to manage business records and response to customers’ inquires. : Describe the Brief Evolution of Computer

In the evolution of computers there are five generations of computer:
  • First Generation (1941 – 1956) is characterised by the use of vacuum tubes. These computers were very large, slow and expensive . They used machine language for computing and could solve just one problem at a time. Examples: Mark I, ENIAC and UNIVAC. 
  • Second Generation (1956 – 1963) is characterised by the use of transistors. The use of transistors results in  smaller and cheaper computers and  made computers more  energy efficient. Computers belonging to this generation used punched cards for input. Examples: IBM 305 RAMAC, IBM 1401 and IBM 1602.
  • Third Generation (1964 – 1970) is characterised by the use of integrated circuits (IC). IC consists of small transistors placed on silicon chips, called semi conductors. This increased the speed and efficiency of computers. Magnetic storage (magnetic tape and floppy disk) was also used as the storage medium. Examples: IBM System/360 and DEC PDP-8. 
  • Fourth Generation (1970 – present) is characterised by the use of Large-Scale Integrated Circuits (LSI) placed onto a silicon chip made up a microprocessor. LSI has developed into Very Large-Scaled Integrated Circuits (VLSI) and Ultra Large-Scaled Integrated Circuits (ULSI). Introduction of microprocessors was the trademark of the fourth generation computers. Examples: HP 2640, Xerox Alto and Apple II.
  • Fifth Generation (present & beyond) is based on artificial intelligence (AI). AI is the branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like humans. AI has several applications such as speech recognition, natural language, expert system, nanotechnology and robotics. AI tasks can be better served by parallel processing. Examples: IBM Deep Blue, Honda Asimo and Sony Aibo. : Define ICT

Define ICT
ICT is the technology required for information processing and sharing. In particular, the use of electronic computers, communication devices and software applications to convert, store, process, transmit and retrieve information from anywhere, anytime.

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Panitia ICT KSAH 2011


Guru Kanan (Teknik & Vokasional)

Ketua Panitia

